NetDocuments vs eFileCabinet Collaboration NetDocuments eFileCabinet Does the software work with Cloud? Is the software compatible with both Windows and Mac? Browse NetDocuments! Security NetDocuments eFileCabinet Does the software enable MFA for double verification while logging in? Does the software secure encryption? Integrations NetDocuments eFileCabinet Does the software prepare you with and after integration? Does the software allow accessibilty through Micorsoft office programs like Word, Excel, etc.? Does the software ask for mandatory engagement of a third-party consultant for integration? Can the software automatically read the words and texts from a scanned paper? Browse NetDocuments! Search Functionality NetDocuments eFileCabinet Does the software allow quick access to the favorite or recent docs? Does the software store data with a specifc Unique ID regardless of where it is stored thereafter? Does the software allow to retrieve and store data with one click? Does the software return complete relevant results even when a few words inside of it are searched? Usability NetDocuments eFileCabinet Is the software usable from mobile phones? Does the software allow to disable others from editing the document other than the user that last logged out? Does the software track and record every edit history Does the software assist in keeping track of document information like creation date, production date, its type, etc.? How easy is the software to use for normal people? (rating out of 5) 4.2/5 3.7/5 Browse NetDocuments! Pricing NetDocuments eFileCabinet How can the software be subscribed? Package Basis Annual Basis Does the software show its pricing publicly? Storage NetDocuments eFileCabinet What is the basic storage allowed without additional subscription? 20GB 1TB Does the software allow to store, retrive and manage the data? Does the software store the data at physical locations in case of any software malfunction? Does the software include regular backups and a disaster recovery plan?